The Short Stack
I grew up loving to read and tell stories. When I went to college, I realized that the parts of writing I like most are the engaging, visual components. I enjoy bringing to life what exists within my head. I began to get involved in digital design. After graduating, I worked as an instructional designer. I created eLearning courses, designing the layout of content and user interactions. Because of my writing background, I had a fine eye for detail and ensuring that the final courses matched the prototypes.
As I worked, I realized that there was so much more that I could learn about design and how users interact with material. I applied to Georgia Tech's MS-HCI program and was delighted to get in. I love the multitudes of projects that I worked on as I learned. In my first semester, I worked with a group of students to overhaul the Georgia Tech College of Computing’s website and revolutionize the printing system on campus.
In my last year in the HCI program, inspired by COVID and the difficulty of staying productive, I designed a productivity evaluation tool which allowed users to track their daily tasks and see their data visualized in analytics. I like being involved with people and giving back to the community that I exist within.
Some fun things about me: I've read 2,500 books. I always keep a positive attitude. I enjoy going on long hikes. My dog is a whippet named Tizzy.