Inspired by remote work, this productivity evaluation tool tracks your tasks and gives you information about how productive you were in a day.
UX Design, UX Research

Improving Georgia Tech Printing
A web application that allows Georgia Tech students to find printers and troubleshoot their printing issues while on the go.
UX Design, UX Research

Looking at an Animal Shelter
This project uses statistic visualizations to show animal arrivals and departures from the Austin Animal Care Center between the 2014 and 2021.
Data Visualization, Data Storytelling, Figma, Tableau
The One Cup
A reusable cup which interfaces with a Coca Cola soda machine to show users how much plastic they've saved.
UX Design, Physical Prototyping

Learning Toy for Blind Children
An interactive toy with a 3D printed casing. It teaches about different parts of animals. The lid can be swapped on the case to allow children to learn about different animals.
Physical Prototyping, 3D Printing, Solidworks
A Mug and Coaster Love Story
A coaster which greets the mug when it makes contact and reminds the user to drink after a set period of time.
Physical Prototyping, Craft, Arduino

The Cipher Game
A two player arcade-style game created in P5 in which one person tries to guess the other person's cipher.
P5, javascript, CSS